The Four F's


The Four F’s…


This kind of future is possible.

Writing to you with the understanding that we humans have done such miraculous things as create telephones, create lifesaving vaccines (eradicating polio, for example), create soul-uplifting, soul-restoring art and music, and fly people to the moon.

It is always well within our ability to analyze our behaviors, and if necessary shift course…

Last week we began a Week of Wonder series, focusing on dolphins—this week we are shifting to Underwater Gardens— whales and the mysteries of the undersea world.

But over the weekend there was a gigantic oil spill in California coastal waters— which will take a decade (at least) to clean up. It’s the latest in a litany of climate crimes that are linked to our society’s dependence on fossil fuels.

One reaction, shared by many of us, is to shout the following four F’s:

“F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!”

Do indeed feel the emotions… and afterward, engage— and consider, this set of four F’s:


It is possible.

One excellent resource to check out is the documentary 2040: The Regeneration which asks, “What would the future look like if we embraced the best solutions that exist today?” If you have not seen this film, it is a must-watch.

Another is to consider the role that arts (music, film, design, painting, story, dance, poetry, etc.) play in the creation of imaginal realities that lead to a better future.

Because look around— everything human-created around you was dreamed up first as an energetic potential—or as an energetic idea— before it was implemented in reality.

It is time to take the best of our human imaginative potential, look honestly at the human-caused climate crisis, and dream differently.

It is time to take the best of our human imaginative potential, look honestly at the human-caused climate crisis, and dream differently. To awaken wonder—to imagine and implement into reality a truly healthy future. For yourself. For your kids. For your fellow beings (human and more-than-human) with whom you share this beautiful planet.

Dream differently,


Duncan Neilson